On Sat, Apr 29, 2006 at 02:24:21PM +0200, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

> Enrico Forestieri a écrit :
> > On Fri, Apr 28, 2006 at 10:24:09PM +0200, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
> > 
> >> I have put another package which contains the exe and the needed 
> >> runtimes dll:
> >> http://younes.a.free.fr/Lyx-15-experimental/lyx-qt4-exe-and-dlls.zip
> > 
> > Abdel,
> > 
> > I tried your LyX/Qt4 and got a bug report for you.
> > 
> > After launching lyx from a cmd.exe terminal, I hit the open file icon
> > and lyx crashed. Please, attached find a backtrace.
> Which package did you use?


> I fear that you need the full package (with the Ressource subdirectory) 
> because of recent changes to lyxrc etc. I cannot reproduce what you 
> describe.

I think it is the full package.

> > Lyx did not automatically run configure at start, but it asked me if I
> > wanted the userdir created. Indeed the userdir was empty, so I tried
> > Tools->Reconfigure but it hung.
> > 
> > I saw a stalled latex process and after killing it the reconfiguration
> > process went ahead. However, lyx continues crashing when I try to load
> > a file.
> > 
> > I use all cygwin apps but native miktex and imagemagick. So I tried
> > running lyx from a cygwin shell and this time the reconfiguration
> > doesn't stopped and went stright ahead to the end. Still crashes when
> > trying to open a file, though.
> If you just copied the exe inside a 1.4.1 directory, I think there is a 
> mismatch between configure.sh and configure.py. Please try the full package.

Nope, it was the full package.

> > 
> > I also tried running the native lyx 1.4.1 I build by myself from a
> > cmd.exe terminal and it worked flawlessly, but the cygwin lyx 1.5 also
> > hangs on reconfigure when run from cmd.exe. This pointed me to a
> > problem with configure.py.
> > 
> > After some investigation it turned out that the python mkstemp()
> > function uses the directory defined in the TEMP environment variable
> > if it is set. In a cygwin shell TEMP is not set, so /tmp is used, but
> > in a cmd.exe TEMP is set to a path in short form dos style
> > containing '~' characters and this hurts latex.
> > 
> > Please, can you see if the attached patch can be applied to both trunk
> > and branch?
> It seems to touch Bo's and Jean-Marc's work so I'll let them comment that.

Thanks, anyway.


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