On Sun, Apr 30, 2006 at 09:46:13AM -0500, Bo Peng wrote:

> > I tested this last patch on Cygwin and it does not work well.
> > Specifically I have to delete <userdir>/lyxrc.defaults otherwise I
> > only get "PDF (dvipdfm)" and "PDF (pdflatex)" in the View menu.
> That is the design. Use the old lyxrc.default, '' will be there for
> not-found viewers and lyx will not do anything.
> After reconfigure, the "" will be replaced by "auto", and this is when
> autoViewable starts to work.
> > Deleting <userdir>/lyxrc.defaults it works. But this file is restored
> > whenever reconfiguring.
> This is weird to me. Any idea? Do you see "auto" in lyxrc.default
> after reconfiguration?

I attach here the lyxrc.defaults produced by Tools->Reconfigure. It is
even weirder that, when it is present and I choose View->PDF, I see

sh: auto: command not found

printed on the terminal and then Acrobat5 is used for showing the .pdf
instead of Acroread7. Acrobat5 was the previous app associated to pdf
files. So it seems that "auto" is tried as a command for viewing and,
failing that, the previous app associated with .pdf is tried.


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