Edwin Leuven a écrit :
patch attached

this is what is left:

// pref dialog

QPrefColorsUi.ui:   <header>q3listbox.h</header>
qcoloritem.h:#include <Q3ListBox>

QPrefConvertersUi.ui:   <header>q3listbox.h</header>
QPrefCopiersUi.ui:   <header>q3listbox.h</header>
QPrefFileformatsUi.ui:   <header>q3listbox.h</header>

QPrefsDialog.C: Q3ListBoxItem * const item =

// more tricky?

QLyXKeySym.C:#include <Q3CString>

Maybe not.

QWorkArea.C:#include <Q3UriDrag>

Yes, and I think there is a comment from me saying I dunno that stuff.

FileDialog.C: Q3FileDialog
FileDialog_private.C: Q3FileDialog
FileDialog_private.h: Q3FileDialog

For now, I'd say leave it or wait for Andre's potential solution.

iconpalette.C:#include <Q3GridLayout>

QBrowseBox.C:   : Q3GridView
QBrowseBox.h:#include <Q3GridView>

// abdel working on this?

QCitationFindUi.ui:   <header>q3listbox.h</header>

This one is disabled for now and should change functionalities.
But I am _not_ working on this. Feel free.

QCitationDialog.C: Q3ListBox
QCitationDialog.h: Q3ListBox

Those are related to the above dialog so they should go.

Sorry, I don't have the time to review the patch but if you say you have tested it and it works I trust you :-)


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