On Sun, May 07, 2006 at 06:04:13PM +0200, Michael Gerz wrote:

> Yes, that was definitely the problem. We locked ourself by a code freeze 
> period that started too early (and lasted too long).

No, that wasn't the problem, it was too much changes allowed at once,
rather than small simple improvements.

> release. (Beside the known "bugs", things like the terrible Qt citation 
> dialog and the missing "Format" menu come to my mind.

Instead of complaining repeatedly about the new menu layout, you should
have joined in on the design at the time, and helped come up with a
design that doesn't have such flaws in your mind. As I've repeatedly
pointed out, I provided rationale and details for every change made
during that re-design and received consensus on it.

In fact, I /still/ haven't seen a detailed list of points for a 'Format'
menu from you beyond "that's how it used to happen".


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