On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 10:09:11AM -0500, Bo Peng wrote:
> >I have an idea for you Bo. Instead of specifying
> >"extra_inc_path=d:/mingw/include extra_lib_path=d:/mingw/lib" it would
> >be better to specify "with_mingw=d:/mingw". Then Scons could add
> >automatically the include and lib paths. _And_ Scons could search the
> >required dll in "d:/mingw/bin/".
> Agreed. Can I leave this to you as a Python exercise? It is time for
> you to read the Python tutorial (You do not even need that for this
> change.)
> BTW, have you tried the updated system? If possible, you can record
> the compiling time and post to the comparison thread.

Using scons it takes only 2/3 of the time needed using auto* stuff
for me on cygwin. But it seems that I cannot convince scons to compile
using -O2 so, I am sorry, but the comparison is unfair.


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