On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 04:35:01PM -0500, Bo Peng wrote:
> Dear list,
> *Please* just put cold comparison data in this thread. No discussion
> and debates. (Open another thread if needed).
> On my dual processor Xeon 2.8G Linux workstation, I get
> scons --config=force -j3 frontend=qt4 qt_dir=/path/to/qt4       => 6:37s
> autogen.sh; ./configure....;  make -j3                                
>        => 10:32s

Not bad.

Btw I remember that concatenation all mathed/*.C into a single
translation unit and compiling this was several times faster
(I seem to remember 'four times') than compiling the small
chunks we have right now.

It would be also interesting to see the times for an 'empty'
make run (i.e. 'time make' when everything is already cleanly


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