$ scons tex2lyx (or boost mathed frontends controllers qt3 qt4 client graphics)

They correspond to individual libraries (executable) and because I
manage to avoid *processing* other directories, the null-build time
for them are usually 2 to 3 seconds. The qt3/qt4 part, does take
around 15s because of the Q_OBJECT scan and moc/uic stuff.

$ scons lyxbase
$ scons [prefix=/path/to/lyx] [exec_path=/path/to/lyx_bin] install
are in.

So my lastest fresh run (linux) is like
$ scons client
$ scons tex2lyx
$ scons lyxbase
$ scons qt3
$ scons frontend=qt4 qt_dir=/path/to/qt4 qt4
$ scons graphics
$ scons lyx  (build qt4, frontend=qt4 etc are *cached*)
$ rm -f options.cache  (have to clear cached qt_dir)
$ scons frontend=qt3

Another minor improvement is that I copy lyx to lyx-qt3 under debug
directory after build.

Now, unless I get some bug reports, I will assume that scons is
basically working and I will take this weekend off. It's been a bit
intense for me lately and I own my kids a few hours of playing time.


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