On Wed, May 17, 2006 at 12:34:43AM +0200, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> > and selecting your url and hitting Ctrl-Mouse should work. 
> If only I could use fvwm with gnome!


I can use fvwm happily intermixed with native windows on my WinXP
box at work so I would be surprised if the same could not be set up
with a more X-ish environment like Gnome.

> > > (this is becoming quite surreal).
> > 
> > Why?
> Because you are playing my role when all others were so excited
> with Gnome and/or KDE and I was trying to convince them that twm
> was the way to go... Just kidding, it really was OpenWindows ;-)

Uh, I am not trying to convince anybody, I am just trying to dismiss
your excuses for accepting 15s startup times for a console.


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