On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 12:41:33PM +0200, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
> So the trick was the '* &' instead of a simple '*'.

Erm. Yes.

> I didn't know about that indeed and I actually _asked_ to the list
> what is the reason for the additional '&' but nobody answered.

I've noticed the question but was not quite sure what exactly you were

> I am maybe stupid but this trick is not obvious to me. Besides, are
> you sure that this will work everywhere? It seems that there is an
> improvement under windows...

As I said: I seriously doubt so. The new code is functionally
equivalent, yet it evaluates the array access twice. The 'trick'
you mentioned was used to specifically avoid the second access.
This was 'recommended' by gprof (all operations there were inlined,
yet the function as whole ate considerable time)


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