
Not sure if this is another manifestation of bug 2600 or a new CT bug. Someone on the user list posted a beamer file (containing CT markup) that no longer opens. More specifically (using LyX 1.4.1):

1. Try to open the doc either by File->Open or drag-and-drop. Status line changes to "Opening document ...", then eventually changes back to "Welcome to LyX!", with the splash screen still showing. The View menu shows no open documents.

2a. Repeat step 1 and get a "Revert to saved document?" dialog claiming the doc is already open. The revert option fails to accomplish anything, but the switch to document option partially opens the document (everything up to the first \change verb shows up, but nothing thereafter).


2b. Open something else (say, one of the help docs) and both the new doc and the beamer file open (the latter again displaying only up to the first \change verb).

The file opens correctly if all \change directives are first stripped out.

Should this go into bugzilla as a new bug, an extension of 2600, or not at all?


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