Bo Peng wrote:
Dear all,

The basic support for msvc2003/2005 is now in svn. Please test.

env_subst(["msvc\common\support\package.C"], ["D:\devel\lyx\trunk\src\support\"]) cl /nologo /TP /EHsc /wd4819 /wd4996 /ID:\program\GnuWin32\include /ID:\program\Aspell-0.60.4\include /ID:\devel\lyx\trunk\boost /ID:\devel\lyx\trunk\src /c D:\devel\lyx\trunk\src\support\rename.C /Fomsvc\common\support\rename.obj cl /nologo /TP /EHsc /wd4819 /wd4996 /ID:\program\GnuWin32\include /ID:\program\Aspell-0.60.4\include /ID:\devel\lyx\trunk\boost /ID:\devel\lyx\trunk\src /c msvc\common\support\package.C /Fomsvc\common\support\package.obj
c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: 'msvc\commocn\support\package.l /nologo /TP /EHsc /wd4819 /wd4996 /ID:\program\GnuWin32\include /ID:\program\ Aspell-0.60.4\include /ID:\devel\lyx\trunk\boost /ID:\devel\lyx\trunk\src /c D:\devel\lyx\trunk\src\support\socktools.C /Fomsvc\common\support\socktools.obj
C': Permission denied
cl /nologo /TP /EHsc /wd4819 /wd4996 /ID:\program\GnuWin32\include /ID:\program\Aspell-0.60.4\include /ID:\devel\lyx\trunk\boost /ID:\devel\lyx\trunk\src /c D:\devel\lyx\trunk\src\support\systemcall.C /Fomsvc\common\support\systemcall.obj
scons: *** [msvc\common\support\package.obj] Error 2
scons: building terminated because of errors.

The weird thing is that when I launch package.C compilation by hand, it worked:

cl /nologo /TP /EHsc /wd4819 /wd4996 /ID:\program\GnuWin32\include /ID:\program\Aspell-0.60.4\include /ID:\devel\lyx\trunk\boost /ID:\devel\lyx\trunk\src /c "msvc\common\support\package.C" /Fomsvc\common\support\package.obj

Calling Scons again made it to the end!

To run it I had to install two libraries: msvcr80.dll and msvcp80.dll. But then, lyx still complains about missing Entry point:

lyx.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point _decode_pointer could not be located in the dynamic link library MSVCR80.dll.

Any idea?

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