Enrico Forestieri wrote:

> The switch is intended to tell LyX what kind of path styles should
> be written to (and only to) latex files.
> When you use:                    The style of paths going to latex
>                                  files should be:
> 1) LyX/Win32 and teTeX/Cygwin      posix
> 2) LyX/Cygwin and MikTeX/Win32     windows
> 3) LyX/Win32 and MikTeX/Win32      windows
> 4) LyX/Cygwin and teTeX/Cygwin     posix
> So, IMHO, whatever the name, it should contain the word "latex".

Yes. \native_style_latex_paths or \posix_style_latex_paths would both be
fine with me. You could also add the force prefix, but it is not needed
IMHO. Whatever you do, please update the documentation and also the user
visible names of this option in the frontends (or is it not visible
anymore? I forgot).
If you do the renaming please think also about compatibility with the old
name in 1.4.x.


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