Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
Peter Kümmel wrote:
    mt /manifest lyx.exe.manifest /outputresource:lyx.exe;#2

hum, '/' instead of '-'... Yes, I figure that out already.

I now understand what the error means. I apparently have to install VCRedist_x86.exe as explained here:


I managed to download and install it even though Microsoft server is _very_ slow. I still get the same error as before :-(

I should reboot maybe...

This page from mozilla explains how to create a package using VC++ 2005:


Creating a Redistributable

If you intend to distribute your build to others, you will need to include the VC runtime with your build. To get the mozilla build system to do this automatically you must copy the four files:

    * Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
    * msvcm80.dll
    * msvcp80.dll
    * msvcr80.dll

from the directory %VCINSTALLDIR%\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC80.CRT to a directory somewhere else on your system. The important thing is that the path to this directory must not contain any space characters. Now when you build, set the WIN32_REDIST_DIR environment variable to the absolute path of this directory. The path can be in either Windows or Cygwin format, it doesn't matter. Fairly early on in the build process you should find that the four files listed above have been copied (and modified slightly?) to the dist/bin directory of your build.

Manually copying the files to dist/bin may work, but perhaps not, since the manifest needs to be altered I think.


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