On Mon, Jul 31, 2000 at 01:42:58AM -0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Sorry, but I do not agree, when in formal writing. I also somtimes use female
> notation when writing informally (e.g. in email), but I wouldn't use
> that in a book.

You didn't read the DocStyle.lyx file, did you?

Or, you didn't read it closely enough.

One thing I stated in it is this:  The LyX manuals are *NOT* formal
documents.  They LyX manuals, are, in fact, un-manuals.  They are
supposed to be informal.  They are supposed to be friendly.  They are
supposed to be congenial.

The only exception I permitted in the Style Sheet for Translations was
this:  be informal as long as it is casual.  Do not be informal if it
would be rude.

In my english classes in grade school, I learned that one uses "he"
even if one means "he-or-she".  In the LyX manuals, I alternate
between "he" and "she" from paragraph to paragraph.

Do the same, insofar as it isn't rude.

That's the *RULE*, as written in the Style Sheet for Translations.

And read the Style Sheet for Translations again, please.  From the two
threads I've seen, it doesn't look like you read it closely enough.

Crabbily Yours, 
John Weiss

"Not through coersion.  Not by force.  But by compassion.  By
affection.  And, a small fish."  -His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama 

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