On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 05:31:13PM +0900, R. Lahaye wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to this 'doc' list.
> I believe 1.1.6 will have a big impact on the docs.
> So many things have changed (dialogs, menus, bug-fixes etc.).
As I recently said in an earlier email, the proper way to get the LyX
Docs synchronized is for the developers to start writing new entries
for "Reference.lyx". Someone else can come along and edit them for
correct English, as well as prune "dead" entries.
The updated "Reference.lyx" can then serve as the information source
for updating the other docs.
> What sort of strategy will be followed with the upcoming 1.1.6 release ?
None, I fear.
> Will the updates be done AFTER the release ?
Most likely, since the developers don't seem to want to or have time
to add entries to "Reference.lyx" (which is really quite painless, BTW).
> I suppose that the English docs go first, followed by the
> translations, or does everthing go simultaneously ?
No, the rule is that the English docs are updated first. Translation
projects will then use the new English docs as the information source
for updating their own versions.
Why English? Well, everyone on this list appears to have a good grasp
of it. Only a few of us can speak French or German or Danish, so that
would limit the pool of DocTeam and Translation Project members. ;)
John Weiss
"Not through coersion. Not by force. But by compassion. By
affection. And, a small fish." -His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama