On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 09:53:51AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Sat, 2 Jun 2001, John Levon wrote:
> > Are the doc team still insistent on this term ? It seems both unfamiliar
> > to users, and a bad description (the dialogs do /not/ pop up).
> IIRC, this was chosen as a compromise - we wanted to avoid the developer
> jargon ("dialog box" was deemed jargon) and use something a typical user
> might say.

I see. Unfortunately I have never heard this term to describe dialog boxes,
even from the many typical users I know ...

> What does M$ Word (shudder!) call such things? That,
> unfortunately, is what we should attempt to be consistent with, since that
> is what typical users will know.

that makes sense. Can someone answer ?


"I hope you will find the courage to keep on living 
 despite the existence of this feature."
        - Richard Stallman

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