>>>>> "Magnus" == Magnus Danielson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Magnus> Hi! I just filed a bug-report (#848) on the documentation
Magnus> relating to the IEEEtran LaTeX reference. IEEE has themselfs
Magnus> updated the documentation as apparent from their webpage:

Magnus> http://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/transactions/stylesheets.htm

Magnus> and the LyX documenation should reflect this fact (instead of
Magnus> the old/updated links apparent in at least LyX 1.2.2).

Thanks for pointing this out. It seems that IEEE finally picked the
improved IEEEtran work that has been done recently and decided to
support it explicitly. This is good.

Magnus> I also point out that it would be a good thing to have a
Magnus> minimal note on how to install these (and other
Magnus> publisher-specific) LaTeX styles. 

Did you take a look at chapter 6 of the customization manual? Is it helpful?

Magnus> As I write this now it could even be aided by some small
Magnus> dialogue window, shouldn't be too hard anyway. 

This is more difficult, since installinga new latex class depends on
how your local installation is configured. However, once a cls file is
visible to latex, LyX can use it.

Magnus> I'm somewhat of an TeX/LaTeX-illiterate (have the books, lacks
Magnus> time to actually read and experiment, one of those "some day"
Magnus> projects) and I suspect several LyX users in reality is that
Magnus> too, just relying on LyX to hide all that one way or another,
Magnus> or at least get a good deal of help. So, a step-by-step
Magnus> description for braindead monkeys like me to execute would be
Magnus> very nice to have. If you run the LyX and TeX/LaTeX from some
Magnus> form of Linux distribution like I do (Debian/unstable) you
Magnus> don't know much about the innars of the installation and
Magnus> configuration.

I can understand your problem, but it is not clear we can do it in a
foolproof way.


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