>>>>> "Uwe" == Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Uwe> Hello documentation team, I fixed the documentation to solve
Uwe> http://bugzilla.lyx.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1396
Uwe> http://bugzilla.lyx.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1397
Uwe> http://bugzilla.lyx.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1464

Uwe> the document could be found in bug 1464 as attachment:
Uwe> http://bugzilla.lyx.org/attachment.cgi?id=530&action=view

Hello Uwe, 

These changes above seem to be good.

Uwe> While looking into the file I find out that the preamble was
Uwe> changed for the last time in 1997. So I took a closer look into
Uwe> the doc and rewrote it in the following way:

Cleaning up the preamble is definitely a good idea.

Uwe> - use the class 'scrbook' instead of 'book' (scrbook has a better
Uwe> implementation of environments and is recommended by TUG and
Uwe> Dante)

I agree that scrbook is better than book, but are we sure that
everybody will have a working version of it? I mean, not just
everybody with a two years old linux distribution, but really most

Never forget that the primary goal of the user guide is to be usable,
and that everybody can just print it without tinkering. The rule up to
now was to restraint ourselves to the base classes and the packages in
the required/ directory of ctan (so for example, babel, amslatex or
graphicx are OK).

I read also that scrbook leans towards european users. Is that true? 

I have to admit that the new eu_* (basque) manuals in 1.3.4 use
scrbook, but this was an effort to avoid using a class designed only
for basque.

Uwe> - use A4-paper instead of 'standard' 

How does that print on USletter paper? I thought there were still
quite a lot of people using that... I am not sure that a4 is a better
default than usletter (OK, I agree that it is a better standard, and
this is what I use....).

Uwe> - set margins (scrbook has a beautiful print space but most of
Uwe> the users won't print out the doc. So I used the two-sided style
Uwe> but centerd the text in the page for better viewing on the
Uwe> screen) 

I do not agree with this one: setting margins by direct manipulation
of \textwidth and fiends is the kind of thing which is frown upon, to
say the least. Why didn't you use LyX UI to set the margins?

Moreover, it is very subjective to say that people will not print the
documentation. I could say that people who do not print the doc will
browse it inside LyX and so all the special pdf support if not really

Uwe> - added vertiacal space between footnotes (when you have more tan
Uwe> one footnote at a page, they 'adhere' together) 

Your redefinition of \footnote seems very fragile to me. What about
settinga value to \footnotesep instead? Anyway I would tend to leave
document classes defaults as they are, since what one user may find
ugly may be to the taste of another one.

Uwe> - delete the unneeded declaration of non-T1 encoded characters
Uwe> use the package textcomp instead (see also the note above the
Uwe> table in chapter 6.6.3) 

In what latex version was textcomp.sty added to base latex? 

I tend to agree that we should use it but, again, we must stay on the
safe side.

Uwe> - let the index appear in the TOC with the package tocbibind 

If we are to stay with scrbook, we might as well use the built-in
class options that this class provides...

Concerning tocbibind itself, it dates from 1998, so one could consider
that it will be present on any system capable of building LyX.

Uwe> - added support for linked cross-references and URLs with the
Uwe> package hyperref (you can click on all footnotes,
Uwe> cross-references and URLs in dvi or pdf output. The TOC entries
Uwe> are also clickable. In pdf output you can furthermore use
Uwe> bookmarks)

I am not sure I like that. Hyperref is great as long as it works.
There are a lot of horror stories about subtly incompatible versions
of hyperref, babel, or whatever. 

I'd rather avoid it in the documentations (for the reasons outlined

If we really want to generate nice pdf docs (and we should definitely have
some on our site!) we can always use tex2pdf:

Uwe> - clean up the document: - the TOC pages are numbered roman 

Why didn't you use \fronmatter/\mainmatter/\backmatter?

Uwe> - clean up the bibliography - arrange the doc, so that most of
Uwe> the 'overfull \hbox' and font warnings in the LaTeX-logfile
Uwe> disappear - rearrange chapter - rearrange chapter 6.6.3 -
Uwe> delete the chapter names of chapter, and the old
Uwe> chapter 5.6.1 (because if there is only a chapter 5.6.1 but no
Uwe> 5.6.2, it is unnecessary to have an extra chapter-level)

This I like.


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