On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 00:32:16 +0100
 Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You Spanish translation will be part of the next LyX release beacuse I'm now 
to put them to LyX's SVN. You find it here:

Due to some discussions with the developers I had to remove some
images. What is currently missing is section 2.10 of:
If you want to add this section to your version, please start with
the document that is in SVN (the first link above).

Done for es_ExtendedInsets 1.4.3-6. Also some small fixes in my translation. I've updated the link here:

As you perhaps know LyX 1.5 is coming sooner and I updated the manual. I took 
file and modified it as best I could: I updated the images for the new Qt4 
we use in LyX 1.5. I uploaded it to this place:
and the images to

If you want to update your version to LyX 1.5 you need of course LyX 1.5svn
(you can build it for yourself or I could provide you a Windows build).
You can start the update with the Spanish version I already prepared.
The following sctions are new or have been updated:
2.2 2.9 2.12.1 4.1 5.6.2 B.2 B.3

Thank you, but I use Linux.
When I can update to LyX 1.5 I shall work on update the new sections.


Some fixes and questions about original version ExtendedInsets 1.4.3-6

Section 1. Graphics Dialog "This is an example image in PDF format..."
but the image is eps.

Section 9.2.2 Caption Width, in second table caption there is two
",15\,cm", should be ",5\,cm"

Section 12.2 Booktabs, Special commands. There is three "moremidrules"
instead of "morecmidrules" (It's OK in the table).

The command in the preamble \pagenumbering{roman} don't work for me;
the numbers are arabic in Contents.

I've mixed up with LOT: (sorry if they are silly things)
        a) the pdf-output shows 2.1 and then 2.3
        b) the pdf-links 2.3 to 2.8 goes to first page
        c) the tables 2.3 to 2.8 arn't in LyX-LOT


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