Am 03.02.2016 um 01:02 schrieb Georger Araujo:

I have attached splash.lyx for pt_BR;

Many thanks, it is in.

I apologize for not sending a pt_PT version as well. I was born and live in 
Brazil, and have never written a text of any length using the vocabulary and 
sentence structure of Portuguese Portuguese (and it differs significantly from 
Brazilian Portuguese).

No problem. If you say it is not possible, it is not possible.

I also took the liberty of adding


to the preamble -- while splash.lyx states "3. The output from LyX looks 
great!", I thought the resulting PDF did not really look good at all. I think it 
looks better with lmodern, but that's just me; if you think otherwise or have any other 
objection, feel free to delete the preamble.

We decided not to use lmodern for splash because some uses don't have this installed.

However, here it looks great, see that attached PDF from your file as I committed it.

regards Uwe

Attachment: splash.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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