Am 29.04.2016 um 17:05 schrieb mn:

This refers primarily but not exclusively to German Userguide.

Many thanks for your work! I committed more than 90% of your changes.

One hint: instead of using \times in a formula one can directly insert the times symbol via the menu Insert-> Special characters. (This creates a \texttimes command.)

A plea: Please modify the files where they are . Just turn on change tracking. This assures that the relative image paths are preserved and this saves me time.

In this section 3.9.3 the usage of the "-sign differs from the rest of
the doc insofar as it is not enclosed in quotation marks.

It would be nice if there were some hints as to which languages usually
prescribe which style.

It is possible to use the French guillemets also in German texts. So it is up to the user to chose a style. (btw. the Wikipedia has extensive information about the usage of quotation marks: )

The shortcut for creating a single quotation mark in LyX cannot be as
universal as the wording implies.
And it does not use the "-sign!
On Mac with German-keyboard-layout the given shortcut Opt-" gives a
correct closing-double quotation mark
\textquotedblleft{} (“) and LyX does not transform this in any way to
opening or closing single quotation marks.

The german UserGuide should reflect LyX's german-specific shortcuts. Could you please send me a proposed correction?

many thanks and best regards

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