Le 14/06/2020 à 19:25, Scott Kostyshak a écrit :

If I remember correctly, we used to use track changes for the documents.
That is, all of the text that needed translation was marked as changed.
Did we move away from that workflow? From the translator perspective, it
seems easier to navigate tracked changes.

My concern is about docs to be translated: I have new stuff in English from the time when Uwe used to paste it from the English original to the translated docs (French, German, Japanese and Italian AFAIR), and to record changes in txt documents at the root of the tree. This applies only to <= 2.3 manuals.

Starting with 2.4, it's up to the translator to check the changes in the English docs and to carry them in the foreign documents. It is thus necessary to have new stuff with tracking changes in the English source of documentation. IMHO, this is better because I do not have to track parts of the document in English, and developers' time is better spent making improvements than preparing translators' work. I'm not sure to have finished the translation of 2.4 manuals before release, so a way to keep memory of tracking changes should be available before merging the changes for release.

Of course, this is not a criticism of Uwe's work, who was always concerned about helping people as much as possible.

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