>>>>> "Roland" == Roland Krause <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Roland> I then started lyx and tried to print a test page but nothing
Roland> happend.  Well, on IRIX 5.3 there are both print commands lp
Roland> and lpr with there syntax resp.. So it turned out, that per
Roland> default neither the correct way of printing is enabled nor the
Roland> print command I needed was found. lp was called instead of
Roland> lpr, "no problem" I thought.

Currently, the configure script checks whether lp and lpr exist, and
uses 'lp' by default when it exists. Why? Because I've been told that
when a system has lp, it is more likely to work than lpr... I'd be
glad to find a better way of determining which spooling command to
use, though.

Roland> What kinda annoys me, is how long I needed to figure out why
Roland> this was going wrong, and as my morning is already ruined I
Roland> will bother you with my journey. Sorta revenge I guess.


Roland> First, I did remember, that there is a way to personalize my
Roland> configuration, using a local version of lyxrc. Easy enough, I
Roland> made my copy, scanned through the file and came to the printer
Roland> section, where I found out, that I 'd have to set
Roland> '\print_adapt_output true'. I also specified LJ4 as a default
Roland> printer.  Fine so far. Then it said

Roland> # The following options are only of interest to people who do
Roland> not # use dvips as print command. You may safely skip to the
Roland> end of this # section otherwise.

Roland> which was fatal in my case, because I closed the file.

Valid remark, I'll re-read the file and try to arrange it better.

Roland> But I wonder why, the default behaviour is inconsistent,
Roland> i.e. it should not be necessary to uncomment
Roland> '\print_spool_command ""'at all and if it is really necessary
Roland> then this should be mentioned in lyxrc, e.g.

Well, the default for \print_spool_command used to be "", but several
people moaned that they should not have to setup dvips correctly to
use LyX... After a lengthy and amusing discussion, I finally gave up
and tried to implement something that would work for these broken
setups. One consequence was that I had to guess a reasonable value to
\print_spool_command. As you can see, I partially failed to do so :(

Roland> But I would change the behaviour alltogether and encourage the
Roland> users to configure dvips correctly to print, but then I guess
Roland> we would see hundreds of people posting to the list, that
Roland> printing doesnt work.

I see you understood the problem :)


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