
when I want the reference list to appear in the table of contents, it's
easy: \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{References} at the beginning of the

BUT I use BibTeX, so I have just the button for "BibTeX generated
references" at the end of the document. I can put the \addcontentsline
either above or below the button, with the effect that the page appearing
in the TOC is either the one before the Reference list, or the last one.
Before I start fiddling with the page counter: is there an easier way ?

This is a LaTeX resp. teTeX question, but as we all use LaTeX, someone
could have a solution...
I have the problem that the fonts for dvi and ps are frequently
recalculated when I first log in on my Linux box. I am pretty sure that I
do not introduce new fonts in my documents all the time. I have teTeX and
did not find out yet (I searched in the docs) how I can make sure that the
newly generated font files are stored in a place where they are found, and
that they are stored at all. It happened that I did a "find" on a .log
file that Metafont claimed to have written somewhere (it doesn't say where
exactly), and it seemed not to exist on the system.
I switched off the $VARFONTS variable in texconfig, but this seems not to
have much effect.


P.S.: in the LyX list archive index
the september is missing. But the archive exists. Until Peter adds
September to the index: click on August and change Aug1998 to Sep1998 in
the URL display of your browser... ;)

Matthias Zenker       MAIL: Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems
                              Oltmannsstr. 5, 79100 Freiburg, Germany
                      PHONE: (+49) 761/4588-179  
                      FAX  : (+49) 761/4588-217
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