On Tue, 20 Oct 1998, Oddmund N. Olsen wrote:

> You can for example use the poster-package. You can find documentation 
> on
> http://www.loria.fr/services/tex/english/packages.html
> It is nice for making headings, but not so good for making the whole
> poster.
Hi Oddmund or anyone else:
How then to make a poster using LyX/LaTeX?  Has anyone personal experience
with this?  How did you do it?

(For years I have been doing it as follows on Mac:
- make poster as series of landscape oriented (US letter paper) large text
pages using MS Word
- blow up onto 11" x 17" paper using photocopier
- these sheets easily transported to conference in briefcase in
passenger compartment (not oversized artist's portfolio)
- Poster is constructed at conference as tiling of these sheets)

I have recently been seeing "one-piece" posters made as one large sheet of
paper that is transported as a scroll in a poster tube. It would be nice
to be able to do that!

Thanks for any tips!


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