
In the document (attached below) the spacing between the equations
is bigger than the spacing between the equations and the text.  
Is there any way to make the spacing look more consistent ?

Also I'm having a problem with LaTex breaking a page prematurely
and inserting \nopagebreak doesn't seem to have any effect.
Thanks for any tips on getting around this.


#This file was created by <afshar> Wed Jan  6 14:02:47 1999
#LyX 0.12 (C) 1995-1998 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
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Matching may also involve events constructed by 
\family typewriter 
\family default 
\family typewriter 
\family default 

\begin_inset Formula 
\frac{\theta \vdash (ev_{1},...,ev_{i},...ev_{k})\, \, \leadsto _{k}\, \, 
(e_{1},...e_{i},...,e_{k})\, \, \, i\in \{1..k\}}{\theta \vdash (ev_{1},...,\, \, 
ev_{i}\Rightarrow v,...ev_{k})\, \, \leadsto _{k}\, \, (e_{1},...,e_{i}\, \, 


\begin_inset Formula 
\frac{\theta \vdash (ev_{1},...ev_{i},...,ev_{k},)\, \, \leadsto _{k}\, \, 
(e_{1},...e_{i},...,e_{k})\, \, \, i\in \{1..k\}}{\theta \vdash 
(ev_{1},...,ev_{i}\oplus ev^{\prime },...ev_{k})\, \, \leadsto _{k}\, \, 


\begin_inset Formula 
\frac{\theta \vdash (ev_{1},...ev_{i},...,ev_{k},)\, \, \leadsto _{k}\, \, 
(e_{1},...e_{i},...,e_{k})\, \, \, i\in \{1..k\}}{\theta \vdash (ev_{1},...,ev^{\prime 
}\oplus ev_{i},...ev_{k})\, \, \leadsto _{k}\, \, (e_{1},...e_{i},...,e_{k})}\]


The following rule indicates that the order of events in the matching is
 not significant.

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