Felciano, Ramon wrote:
> Hi --
> How do you enter the superscripts for math Sum symbols? I can get the
> greek sum letter, and use Math->Index to enter the text below the sum
> letter (e.g. "n=0"), but can't figure out how to enter the text above
> the sum letter. Any hints?

Just use sub- and superscript after the sum or integral symbol, as if it
was an ordinary variable or number.  If you want the sub-/superscripts
right over and below the sum/integral instead of shifted to the right as
with ordinary sub-/superscripts, move the cursor in front of the
sum/integral symbol and press "alt-m l".  This toggles the position of
sub-/superscripts for this sum/integral.

                                        Happy LyXing, Dirk



      Dirk Klugmann
Institut fuer Troposphaerenforschung    Tel.: +49 341 235 - 2146
     Permoserstrasse 15                  FAX: +49 341 235 - 2139
     D-04303 Leipzig                    Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                   WWW: http://www.tropos.de/


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