>Jerry> It IS a bug in xforms. I followed your words, and get same
>Jerry> crash.  paste in minput produces
>That's very intersting. Could you tell me exactly what steps you took
>to get this behaviour and what system you use (OS, X version, xforsm
>version, libc version on linux). I need this info in a synthetic form

1) open 2 xterms;
2) start minput from xterm 1;
3) select something from xterm 2, and paste it to minput --- fine, here;
4) close xterm 2;
5) paste again ---- there are two possibilities:
    A) minput crash......
    B) paste not performed, however, you can paste in xterm 1....

Sorry, I can not make it crash exactly, but B is not correct as well.

OS: Solaris 2.4
X: 11.0 (release number unknown)
xforms: 0.88


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