Alexander Wollmann wrote:
> On 28-Jun-99 Holger Arthaber wrote:
> > When I import (\input) a drawing from xfig (i am using cobined
> > ps/latex export of xfig) I get the following problem: In the dvi/ps-
> > output of lyx I don't see any text of my xfig-drawing - I only see
> > graphical elements like lines, circles, ...
> >
> > When I have a look at the exported latex-file from xfig I can see
> > the lines which include the eps-figure (this works) and I also see
> > the lines which the text to be printed (but this fails).
> >
> > thanx for helping, Holger
> Please start LyX from a terminal, so you can have a look at what LyX is telling
> you. Then start a ps-output and tell us what is printed to the terminal.
> This could help us.
> Alex.

There are three output-lines of lyx when exporting to postscript:

  This is dvips(k) 5.85 Copyright 1999 Radical Eye Software
  ' TeX output 1999.06.29:1649' -> Test1.ps_tmp

I also attached the files I use:

Box_with_Text.fig             the xfig-drawing

Box_with_Text.pstex_t         the combined latex/ps export of xfig

Test1.lyx                     my lyx testfile                      the ps-output of lyx

The textline in the xfig-drawing is marked as special-text (for latex-
interpretation) with font-style latex-default.
In case I use ps-fonts I get them on the ps-output - but thats not what


Holger Arthaber

Institut für Nachrichten- und Hochfrequenztechnik
Technische Universität Wien
Gußhausstraße 25/389
A-1040 Wien, Austria

Tel.:   +43 1 58801 38951
Fax.:   +43 1 58801 38999





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