On 12-Jul-99 Alexander Wollmann wrote:
> Hi!
> I think I found a bug in the math-editor:
> Do the following steps:
> 1)   M-m d            (math mode)
> 2)   C-Enter
> 3)   go to right bottom box
> 4)   C-l \alpha       (write some latex-code)
>      do NOT press space or something else, so alpha still appears in red
> 5)   C-Enter          (add a new line)
> 6)   Do something -> LyX crashes!!
> Version is 1.0.3.

i can confirm the bug
linux 2.2.10 slackware 4.0 lyx 1.0.3

|   Francesco Lamonica    | E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |
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