susie wrote:
>  in my 'book' class document i've foudn that Lyx
>  and/or latex insists on putting hyphens in unintelligent
>  places, such as "system-s".
>  can anyone tell me how i can disable all hyphenation ?
>  or is it possible to disable it on an individual paragraph
>  basis at least ?

I do not know how to strictly disable all hyphenation (surely a solution
can be found in good LaTeX books), but inserting the command "\sloppy"
in the latex preamble (Pulldown: Layout -> LaTex Preamble) will get you
rid of virtually all hyphenations.  The cost is a somewhat less
restrictive typesetting (more variable space between single words), but
it's usually hard to notice by eye.

I assume that putting "\sloppy" in red (TeX style) in front of a
paragraph will have the same effort for the following text.  You can
switch back to fuzzy typesetting by specifying "\fuzzy" at any place.

Hope this helps.

                                                Happy LyXing, Dirk



     Dr. Dirk Klugmann
Institut fuer Troposphaerenforschung      Tel.: +49 341 235 - 2146
     Permoserstrasse 15                    FAX: +49 341 235 - 2139
     D-04318 Leipzig                    E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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