On Mon, 6 Sep 1999, Hezi Gildor wrote:

> hi,
> i have a problem when trying to use BibTex.
> regardless of which .bst and .sty i use, the pages apepar without "-"
> between them. for example, instead of 120-123 i get 120 123.

Are you looking only at xdvi and gv?  Or at the actual latex file?

> the .bib files is correct. unless i haven't notice this problem before
> (which seems unlikely), it was ok with older version of lyx (which i
> erased unfortunately)
> BTW, i get similar problem when trying to combine upright and italic
> text. for example, if i write "JGR Ocean" in upright, everything is
> ok. if i change just Ocean to italic, it disappear from the ps files.
> may be that these two problems related to each other ?

Do these characters appear in the .tex file?  If they do (and I can't see
why they wouldn't) then it's almost certainly a font problem which would
mean that for some reason your latex installation can't or isn't
generating those characters for the particular font shape and size.

Allan. (ARRae)

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