        I am using apalike.bst for my bibliography. It works fine, but it
has a minor flaw: if the references are quite long, and they happen to come
towards the end of the line, the program will not split them or anything,
they will just keep on going over the right margin's justification. The
esthetics of this behaviour is rather... erm... unfortunate, to say the
least :), so I'd like to know whether a method exists (hopefully, without
using natbib so I don't have to change all my references into \citep{} or
whatever :D) to actually have them split in two, so that I get [Someone and
Sombody;(1999)] instead of the reference going over the margin.

Jose L Gomez Dans                       PhD student
                                        Radar & Communications Group
                                        Department of Electronic Engineering
                                        University of Sheffield UK

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