> > I'd like to insert a figure in landscape orientation (and the caption
> > too), but I want the page-number in the normal position (at the bottom
> > of an A4 page). I tried the landscape orientation in the layout
> > document, but (obviously) the page-number goes in landscape too.
> > Any suggest?
> Try to put in the LaTeX-preamble \usepackage{rotating}
> and then put in LaTeX-Mode before as first thing in the float
> \begin{sideways}
> then
> <caption>
> <figure>
> Then again in LaTeX-Mode:
> \end{sideways}

I indeed found that the correct Latex command to do that is 
but I had to modify the exported tex file by hand. Wouldn't be an useful
option in the insert-->float-->figure command in Lyx?

I would suggest a very useful Latex document about figures (using
graphicx, rotating, lscape... packages):
"Using EPS graphics in LaTeX2e Documents" by Keith Reckdahl.
I found it in the CTAN (check epslatex.ps or fepslatex.ps for the french
So... only a suggest!


PS - Grazie Jurgen!

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