
at Thu, 14 Oct 1999 Rodrigo Esteves de Lima Lopes wrote:
> I need a thesis style suitable for Lyx 1.0.1 and tetex-latex 0.9.2. 
I use for my dissertation the document style 'book (koma-script)'.
This is a standard document style in Lyx. You can select it (or the
style 'book') in  Layout -> Document -> Class. 
> Despite of the fact I have downloaded UC-thesis style from
> ftp.lyx.org:/pub/lyx/contrib it crashes when I try to see post scriptt, dvi
> flies or when I ask it to be printed. 
> the error prints as follows:
> !LaTeX error: There's no line here to end 
> i.26 \begin{document}
Load a example lyx-file from the directory .../lyx/examples/*.lyx and
try to compile and view it postcript or dvi. It is possible?

greetings, Reinhard
Reinhard Borek
Exp. Phys I
Fachbereich Physik
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Friedemann-Bach-Platz 6
06108 Halle/Saale

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