On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Marco Bravi wrote:

> Do you know of any particolarly well suited style file/layout for use
> within LyX (apart the standard "article" one, of course)?

I don't think they accept any other document class than "article", because
according to the "Guidelines for Manuscripts Prepared in TeX/LaTeX Format"
for ACS journals, the LaTeX document should begin with
\documentstyle[12pt]{article}. This is seems to be old LaTeX style,
whereas LaTeX2e (which LyX uses) documents begin with e.g.
\documentclass{article}. I haven't submitted any manuscripts for ACS in
LaTeX format before, but I sure hope they accept LaTeX2e. 

If you use BibTeX, the bibliography style "achemso" can format the
references correctly. Separate .bib files are not allowed, but you can
copy the contents of the resulting .bbl file to the final version of
your .tex document.

Institute of Materials Chemistry 
Tampere University of Technology

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