Martina Schwarz van Doorn wrote:
> Hi,
> in Extended.lyx I read about the possibility to create mini-pages using
> a radio-button.
> I didn't find it anywhere. Can somebody help to remove my blindness ?
> I was actually trying to get two subfigures side-by-side within the same
> float.
> Thanks ;->
> Martina Schwarz van Doorn

Use the pulldown:


Among other options, you will find a radio button labeled "Minipage"

Hope this helps!

                                        Happy LyXing, Dirk



     Dr. Dirk Klugmann
Institut fuer Troposphaerenforschung         Tel.: +49 341 235 - 2146
     Permoserstrasse 15                       FAX: +49 341 235 - 2139
     D-04318 Leipzig                       E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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