I've been using LyX for a lot of different stuff lately and I really like
it. But now I have a question (most likely it will not be too hard to

When I simply start creating a document, there's automatically a 1 at the
bottom of the first page to indicate that it's the first page of the
document (unless I select Pagestyle = none in Document Layout). But how
can I get LyX to start counting at a different number than 1, if I would
for example like the first page of the document to be labelled with the
number 5 and the secong page with 6. How do I get that done?

Thanks in advance,

NightCastle Productions       ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Nils Holland                  + http://www.nightcastleproductions.org+
Tiddische, Germany            + [EMAIL PROTECTED]      +

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