yes, this happened to me too! several times. 
(Lyx 1.1.1 Redhat 6.0, Intel) Perhaps this has been corrected in 1.1.2!

"Stephan E. Schlierf" wrote:
> Hello,
> some strange thing just happened to me: I was going to insert a Label
> (Insert -> Label) when I noticed that i would appear at the wrong place.
> But when I clicked Cancel in this dialogue (nothing was entered), LyX
> crashes.
> Is this a bug, a feature or just an unexpected behaviour ?
> I use LyX 1.1.1 (27.10.1999) on a SuSE 6.2 system.
> Thanks,
> Stephan
> --
> Stephan E. Schlierf M.A.
>  - Product Management -
>     ++49 9254 960332
> CSE GmbH         Germany

Dr. Murali Agastya 
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