In lyx I have mapped the key  Meta-/  to "math delim | |"
This maps to  "|?|".
I have also mapped the math delimiter pairs [?] and {?}.

I would like to map other delimiter pairs such

|_ ? _|,   (floor)
|^ ? ^|    (ceiling)
 || ? ||    

Is there a way to to this.

(I am currently using Lyx 1.0.4)


Ralph Boland

While I am here, I posted another problem a short while ago but I
 didn't get an answer.
Perhaps its simple to solve but unfortunately I am unfamiliar
with latex.  Hopefully people don't think I am just too stupid to be
worth helping so I post it here for a second time.

In my thesis at one point I write something like:

  "We refer to the version of Algorithm  A  in which we replace
routine x  with routine y  as Alborithm  B."

Now I use labels for Algorithms  A  and  B.  Whenever I reference
Algorithms  A or  B  I use cross-references.  
Thus Algorithm  A is known as Algorithm 2.2.3 when printed
and I want Algorithm  B  to be known as Algorithm  2.2.6 when printed.

Unfortunately Lyx doesn't handle this the way I want.

1)  Lyx doesn't print the value of the label where it is declared.
That is it prints:   "routine x  with routine y  by Algorithm .".
(The correct label is used on the screen.)

2)  When I cross reference Algorithm  B  a different number is used
than  2.2.4 such as 2.2.1.  (Since I am doing something strange here I
assume that this is simply a bug in lyx.  I would have expected lxy
to print the empty string.)

3)  The next paragraph to be labeled  (Style Problem) is given the
number  2.2.6.  This number should be given to Algorithm  B.

It seems to me that the best fix is to have a paragraph using
style  "Algorithm" which does not show up when printed. But to which
I can apply the label I use for Algorithm  B.  Then all references 
to Algorithm B can use the reference to the phony algorithm.

Is this possible?  How do I do it?  If not, how else can I achieve
the effect that I want?


Ralph Boland

p.s.  I realize this is not a Lyx problem but a problem with the
way I am attempting to use it.  But I still need to do what I am
trying to do.

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