Any power-LaTeX users out there who can help me?

I'm trying to get bold greek characters in mathed (actually, in the output from
LaTeX --- I don't really care if LyX can't bold them!)

Typing "M-b a \beta c" within mathed produces bold "a" and "c" but not \gamma.

This also happens in macros. For example, using the macro:
        \newcommand{\matrx}[1]{\mathbf{ #1 }}
Typing \matrx B creates a bold "B", but \matrx \Gamma produces an un-bolded

I have to define a horrible cludge:
\newcommand{\bmath}[1]{ \mbox{ \boldmath ${ \!\! #1 \!\! }$ } }
\newcommand{\matrx}[1]{\bmath{ #1 }}

This DOES work. Everything is bolded. However, the negative spaces (that I
introduce to try and keep the output reasonable looking) mess up the
typesetting. Sometimes they're Ok, sometimes they're not. 

Can anybody do any better?
Best wishes, 

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