
> Subject: Win32 Port: Included images doesn't show in LyX
> Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 22:52:02 -0800
> From: Lars Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Recently I installed the Win32 port of LyX, and generally it works, but
> the following problems remains:
> 1) The included images doesn't show up due to some "Rendering Error".

Figures do not work, there are some problems with gs on Windows, actually the figure
inset code needs to be worked over. There is no way you can get figures to work with 
current version.

> 2) I use the Yap and Ghostscript as my viewers. Whenever they start up I
> get an sh-error saying that sh has performed an illegal operation. (I
> don't get such error upon starting up LyX). The error is apparently not
> serious enough to prevent gsview or yap from working, and the everything
> looks as expected in both viewers.

There are some scripts on Stephen's LyX NT website that take care of the yap and gsview
These programs take a different set of parameters than xdvi and gv do.
Alternatively I submitted a patch to the developer list that fixes these problems but
the patch never made it in :-(


> Any ideas how to fix any of these ?
> Please send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thanks for your help,
> Lars.

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