Joern Schmedt a. d. Günne wrote:
> I have words in a document for which hyphenation does not work. In those
> cases there are hyphens in the word which I don't want to have at the end of
> the line.
> example:
> not wanted is:
> ...bla ma na P-
> code is very efficient.
> wanted:
> ... bla ma na
> P-Code is very efficient.

\linebreak behind ...bla ma na
\begin{sloppypar} ... the text ... \end{sloppypar}
than you'll get very low hyphenation. 

> Currently I get too many hyphenations in the document (in my opinion). Is there a 
>way of
> reducing the number of hypenations by allowing a bigger range of the space
> between words?

see above for single paragraphs or 

\sloppy        in latex preamble or text

for whole documents.



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