I'm sorry but hyphenation is always my problem...
Now I'm at the end of my thesis and I NEED the correct hyphenation.
Many words have uncorrect hyphenation. Too much word to solve
the problem manually...

This is what I've done to make hyphenation correct:

1)I changed manually the file
and uncommented the line
italian         ithyph.tex
and did "configure" under lyx
Nothing appened... :-(

2) Ran "texconfig"
under Hyphenation -> LaTeX menu I edited language.dat file
(I added a blank character and deleted it, just to update the file)
Than I stroke "Exit" (I haven't found any "rebuild" option, so I
thought it was automatic).

Nothing happened :-<

How can I do?  I use tetex-0.9-17 under RedHat Linux 6.0

Please help me...


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