Hello list, I have two questions:
1- I'm a spanish spoker. I have allready configured my thesis so:
Chapter is Capítulo
Section is Sección
.... and so on, but the float algorithm refuses to translate, it
keeps on saying "Algorithm". how can I overide this?
2- I'm using the package IndentFirst inherited from LaTeX (yes I started
up with LaTeX) and it does his job fine except for the paragraphs
that follow a Itemize, Enumerate or Description paragraph.
Is there a way in LyX to do this without using IndexFirst, how can I
solve this?
I'll apreciate very much your anwser, I'll even send a nice picture of a
beach from Venezuela :-) (of course not to the whole list)
Here is the heading of the file:
#This file was created by <dapf> Wed Mar 15 03:26:00 2000
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass book
\title{Diseño de la Red de Datos del Complejo Docente-Asistencial
Psiquiatrico de Bárbula}
\author{Diego A. Puertas F. \and Eduardo González}
% \date{}
\language spanish
\inputencoding default
\fontscheme times
Thanks in advance