Thanks a lot to Juergen and Jean-Marc; however, I cannot find my Compose key.
I've tried with xkeycaps (I am running Linux), and cannot find anything called
"compose" or "Compose"; then I tried modifying directly the .Xmodmap file in
two different ways: first, I wrote :"add Compose = Super_L" (where Super_L is
mapped to the WIndows key). That didn't do anything. Then I directly wrote
"keycode 0x73 =  Compose" (again, that is the left Windows key). That didn't do
anything.  I've looked through the manuals and I don't seem to be able to find
how/where the information on the Compose key is.

The only modifiers I seem to be able to select from xkeycaps are:
Shift, Lock, Control, mod1, mod2, mod3, mod4, mod5.

What am I doing wrong?

On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> >>>>> "Juergen" == Juergen Vigna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Juergen> On 24-Mar-2000 Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>  If you find out what your 'compose' key is, it is as simple as
> >> compose+*+space=°
> Juergen> Well at least here it is:
> Juergen>     compose+^+0=°
> This works here too, I just found the other one by browsing the
> configuration file for compose handling...
> JMarc

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