From: Shawn Boyette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

>jdd writes:

>That reminds me, I seem to remember hearing about a conversion of LyX
>from XForms to GTK+. Did I imagine this, or is it true?

Even better -- the LyX people are working on making LyX GUI-independant.
I'm personally looking forward to a Palm version ('cause that would be
useful and unique) and a curses version (because I'm just that kind of
person).  And just imagine being able to use LyX to help people switch from
the Default Platform to a real OS ;-)!

>I'd be willing to learn GTK and help code for that goal.

I'm sure that would be useful.  Of course, learning LyX coding would
probably be more immediately and generally useful.

>Shawn Boyette - Student, Generalist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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