On Wed, 7 Jun 2000, Peter Suetterlin wrote:

> Stephan E. Schlierf wrote:
> > Only one thing astonished me: It seems that some menu items remain in
> > English even if the variable LANG is set to "de" (don't worry I don't
> > consider it a serious bug, moreorless just for information :-)
> Indeed, there seem to be some menu changes as compared to 1.1.5pre3 that
> I used as a reference for the po-file :-(  I should use the CVS tree
> next time...
> I'll prepare an corrected lyx.mo and put it on my LyX Web page.
>   Pit

Please, could you drop a note when (and where exactly) you put it ?




Stephan E. Schlierf M.A.
-  Product Management  -
PHONE:  ++49 9254 960673
FAX:    ++49 9254 960674
CSE GmbH         Germany

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