Alexander Bauer wrote:
> Thanks Paul,
> it works. But before I had to install imwheel.
> Is it possible to change the speed of the wheel?
> I have read earlier in a mail from Nick V. Pakoulin
> that is only possible in the source of lyx.
> But I´m more a user than a programmer! :-)
> Are there other (more easy) ways to do this?

I am afraid not. I tried to set another value in de source code,
but this did not change the behaviour. In this configuration, 
(and with the defaults of imwheel), the wheel is mapped to the
page-up/page-down events.

By pressing the SHIFT key simultaneously, scrolling is one line "per
click" of the mouse-wheel. Actually, the imwheelrc needs some changes
for other options. I modified mine so when L_ALT is pressed together
with the wheel, scrolling is the equivalent of 10 strokes on the up-down
arrows for the default settings of imwheel. This may help you too. 

I attched my .imwheelrc file to this email which lives in your $HOME
directory. Be sure to kill and start imwheel again if you made changes
to .imwheelrc


> >
# IMWheel Configuration file ($HOME/.imwheelrc)
# (C)Jon Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Generated by imwheel
# Any extra comments will be lost on reconfiguration
# However order will be maintained
# Order!  ORDER, I SAY!!

None,           Down,   F
Shift_L,        Down,   3
None,           Up,             B

None,           Up,     Shift_L|Page_Up
None,           Down,   Shift_L|Page_Down

None,           Up,     Shift_L|Page_Up
None,           Down,   Shift_L|Page_Down

Alt_L,          Up,             Alt_L|Page_Up
Alt_L,          Down,   Alt_L|Page_Down

Alt_L,          Up,             Shift_R|Page_Up
Alt_L,          Down,   Shift_R|Page_Down
Shift_L,        Down,   Shift_L|1

Shift_L,        Down,   Down,                           7,      1000,   1000
Shift_L,        Up,             Up,                                     7,      1000,  

Alt_L,          Down,   Alt_L|Right
Alt_L,          Up,             Alt_L|Left

"xv grab"

# These are the defaults, but note that the defaults for the right side of the
# keyboard are still handled within the program, unless you add the
# combinations desired here. (except for the None modifier of course!)
None,                                                   Up,             Page_Up
None,                                                   Down,   Page_Down
Shift_L,                                                Up,             Up
Shift_L,                                                Down,   Down
        Control_L,                              Up,             Page_Up,        2
        Control_L,                              Down,   Page_Down,      2
Shift_L|Control_L,                              Up,             Page_Up,        5
Shift_L|Control_L,                              Down,   Page_Down,      5
                  Alt_L,                Up,             Up,             10
                  Alt_L,                Down,   Down,           10
Shift_L|          Alt_L,                Up,             Left
Shift_L|          Alt_L,                Down,   Right
        Control_L|Alt_L,                Up,             Left.           20
        Control_L|Alt_L,                Down,   Right.          20
Shift_L|Control_L|Alt_L,                Up,             Left,           50
Shift_L|Control_L|Alt_L,                Down,   Right,          50

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