>>Subject: change ugly indextable?
>>X-Attribution: Rick
>>X-URL: <http://www.tu-dresden.de/>
>>From: Rick Janda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: 30 Jun 2000 18:37:09 +0200
>>User-Agent: Gnus/5.0806 (Gnus v5.8.6) XEmacs/20.4 (Emerald)
>>I write a documentation and want to insert an index.
>>But the indexlist looks a little bit strange:
>>maximierter Modus, 20 
>>Mehrfenstermodus, 17
>>MultiWindow Menü, 11
>>What need I change that it would look in a more usual manner like this?
>>maximierter Modus...... 20
>>Mehrfenstermodus....... 17
>>MultiWindow Menü....... 11
>>Thank you,
>>Rick Janda
I have here an index style which comes with the french GUTenberg package
headings_flag 1
heading_prefix "{\\large \\bf \\hfil--\\ "
heading_suffix " --\\ \\hfil}\\nopagebreak\n"
symhead_negative "symboles"
symhead_positive "Symboles"

delim_0 " \\dotfill \ "
delim_1 " \\dotfill \ "
delim_2 " \\dotfill \ "
I suppose you may hack it if it doesn't fit exactly
your needs, with the help of the makeindex doc.

Just save in a file, say myidx.ist, then
export foo.lyx to latex, compile then 
makeindex -s myidx.ist foo
latex foo
should be OK


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